Ko tā Aotearoa Reorua he tautoko i te hononga tahitanga o ngā kaunihera me ngā mana whenua kia tū hei pūtahi reorua.
He torutoru noa iho ngā wāteatanga kia tū ētahi pūtahi Aotearoa Reorua hou i ia tau. Mehemea kua oti te uiuinga Aotearoa Reorua i te whārangi Te Ara Whakamua, mehemea kua tutuki te wāhi ki ngā paearu, ā, e hiahia ana ki te tāpui i tētahi o ngā wāteatanga ā tōna wā, ā kāti, whakamohio mai mā te pepa tono eke noa i raro iho nei.
Heoi, i tēnei wā, e akiaki nei mātou i a koe ki te āta titiro ki te whārangi Ngā Tīwhiri e toko ake ai ētahi whakaaro kia whanake tonutia ngā kaupapa reorua.
Aotearoa Reorua is designed to support the partnering of councils and mana whenua to advance as bilingual centres.
We have limited spaces for new Aotearoa Reorua centres each year. If you've completed the Aotearoa Reorua questionnaire on the Te Ara ki Mua page and believe your town or city meets Aotearoa Reorua criteria and want to sign up for a spot in the future, please let us know using the expression of interest form below.
In the meantime, we encourage you to take a look at the Ngā Tīwhiri page for ideas to keep developing bilingual initiatives.